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  • Heartland’s Routing number is: 275978886.

  • For automatic payments/direct deposits, you will need your full MICR account number. This number can be found on the bottom of checks, or by asking an Heartland representative. Savings accounts, money markets, and checking accounts can be used for automatic deposits/withdrawals. Heartland representatives are able to provide direct deposit/withdrawal forms if needed.

  • Live chat is available Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 A.M – 5:00 PM.

    Call us directly at 1-800-362-3944 or 608-282-7000 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM M-F

    Email us anytime at:

    Submit a message via your digital banking login.


  • Members are able to change their address, phone numbers, and email addresses via digital banking:

    1. Login to your digital banking profile.
  • Apply online.

    Contact a Heartland rep to schedule an appointment or visit a branch to open a membership.
    You must qualify for membership.

  • Yes, Heartland is able to send international and domestic wires.

    Wire Fees:

    • Domestic $30,
    • International $75,
    • Incoming $20.

    If you are expecting an incoming wire make sure you provide the sender with Heartland’s Incoming Wire Instructions.


    Processing times:

    • Domestic Wire: 9am-3pm M-F (excluding federal holidays)
    • International Wire9am-12:30pm M-F (excluding federal holidays)
  • 1099 Tax forms are only generated if a member is paid $10 or more in dividends.

    1098 forms are only generated if you pay $600 or more in interest on a mortgage related loan. If you fall under these reporting thresholds, you can refer to your December statement to see the YTD interest paid/earned on any account.

  • Yes, our Williamson St, Rimrock, Oregon, and Lancaster branches are open on Saturdays from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Drive-up or appointment only.

  • Unfortunately, Heartland no longer offers currency exchanges.

  • Yes, Heartland offers various size boxes at multiple branch locations.

    Annual fee depends on size of box.

    Branches that offer safe deposit boxes included:

    Please contact branch for box availability.

  • All branch lobbies are open:

    • Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
    • Saturday hours vary by location.

    Visit our Locations page for more info or our Contact Us page for holiday hours and additional ways to reach us!

  • Although appointments are not required, we strongly urge members to make an appointment prior to visiting a branch so that we can ensure their needs are meet when they arrive.

    Contact us to schedule an appointment.

  • Items can be mailed to HCU at:

    5325 High Crossing Blvd.,
    Madison, WI 53718

  • Yes, at a shared branch, Heartland members may access their accounts for transactions such as deposits and withdrawals.

    Members must have their current ID and know their member number.

    Keep in mind that some shared branches may not be able to complete some types of transactions or account requests.


  • Yes, members may purchase money orders or cashier’s checks for $2/each.

  • Yes, anyone who does not have a valid state ID, Passport, or driver’s license will be required to present a birth certificate and social security card to open an account.

  • We require a $5 minimum deposit into a membership savings in order to open a membership at Heartland.

Digital Banking

  • On a desktop computer:  visit our website,, click the “Login” button near the upper right corner, then click “Register” a new account.  Follow the prompts to create your login credentials.

    On a smartphone:  download our mobile app from your app store, open Heartland’s mobile app, select “register a New Account”.  Follow the prompts to create your login credentials.

  • Use the “forgot password” link on your login screen.  The prompts will help you reset your password, which will unlock your account.

  • While logged in, select “settings” then “security“.  Here you can change your username or password at anytime

  • Please endorse the back of your check with your signature followed by “for mobile deposit only to Heartland CU

  • Heartland offers its own person-to-person service via our digital banking platforms.  You can find our Pay a Person service under the “Pay and Transfer” tab once signed into online banking.

  • On a desktop computer:  login, go to the “Accounts” tab, then select “eDocuments” and click “Subscribe“.  Follow the on screen prompts to enroll in eStatements.

    On our mobile app:  login, select “More” then “Accounts” then “eDocuments“.  Click “Settings” in the upper right corner, then “Subscribe“.  Follow the on screen prompts to enroll in eStatements.


    Once subscribed, all statements are available to view from the “eDocuments” menu.  Please remember that both desktop and mobile devices need PDF viewing capabilities.

  • To delete your digital banking account, please contact us

Account Specific

  • We may place holds on deposited checks to protect your accounts in the event the check is returned, especially for larger checks.  A case-by-case check hold is determined by the check that is being deposited and your relationship history with Heartland CU.  We will look at each situation diligently for reasons not to place a hold, however, in some cases it is not possible to avoid a hold.

  • There are a few possible reasons:  insufficient funds, pending fraud risk alert, or a damaged card.  Cards are monitored for potential fraudulent activity, make sure your phone number and contact info is up-to-date as the fraud department may attempt to contact you via text message or email to verify transactions.  Contact us via live chat, phone call, or visiting a branch if you have card issues.

  • Please call:  1-833-925-2932.  Your new PIN will be active immediately.

  • Checks can be ordered through a Heartland representative, contact us to place a check order.  If you have your ‘reorder’ slip from a previous order you can use the link HERE 



  • Please contact us or make an appointment at a branch location.  We will need to gather certain personal information and verify the identity of any persons being added to an account.  Once we have gathered the necessary info, applicable documentation will need to be signed.