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Part-Time Weekend Jobs for Teens: How to Help Your Teen Succeed

As children get older, their wants and desires change. Between the latest fashions and game consoles, it may seem like your teen’s wish list gets bigger and bigger by the day. If your teen’s requests make you think that they believe money grows on trees, it might be a good time to let them experience earning money through a part-time weekend job.

If your teen can handle a challenge, part-time weekend jobs can be a great way to round out their lives, have them make their own spending money, and teach them a new level of responsibility. Your teen having a part-time job may make you nervous at first, but it will end up benefiting them in the long run by teaching them how to be responsible with their money.

Keep reading to find out more about the best part-time job opportunities for teens, and learn how you can help your teen get a hold of their finances early.

Why Your Teen Should Have a Part-Time Weekend Job

Some people consider part-time weekend jobs as a rite of passage for teenagers. Although this isn’t necessarily the case, a part-time job is often your child’s entry into the workforce and first experience making money other than a weekly allowance.

There are several reasons why your teen should consider a part-time weekend job.

Earn their own money

The obvious reason for teens to get a part-time job is to earn extra money. Chances are that your teen has the desire for their own money every time they ask you for something and you say no. Letting them have their own part-time job solves this problem, as they can make their own money to spend on whatever they please.

However, take your child’s first part-time job as an opportunity to teach them the importance of budgeting, saving, and financial planning. You may want to monitor how they spend their extra income for the first few months or give them tips on saving a portion of each paycheck for the future.

Teach Balance

It’s great when your teenager has all the time in the world to focus on school, but eventually, they have to find balance when faced with situations where they have to split their attention.

Balancing multiple workloads, projects, and activities is an inevitable part of life. Therefore, it’s great to have your teenager learn this skill while they’re still in high school to prepare them for real-world experiences.

A part-time weekend job also teaches them to be organized and responsible for their schedule. Have them schedule tasks to keep up with the work they have to do, and don’t be afraid to offer a helping hand if they need it!

Gain Experience

Another benefit of part-time weekend jobs for your teen is the experience that they can gain. No matter what part-time job they do, your teen will most likely learn valuable skills to help them in future employment, school, and everyday life.

Key skills teens can learn on the job include:

  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Organization skills
  • Social skills

A part-time job can also be a chance for your teen to explore a potential career path. For example, a graphic design firm may need a weekend receptionist to answer phones and schedule appointments, which is simple enough for a teen to do. While working at the company doing customer service tasks, they can learn more about the ins and outs of being a graphic designer.

Whether your child is interested in being an English teacher, registered nurse, or a personal trainer, there is part-time work out there that can help them get useful experience.

Meet New Friends

Meeting new people can often be a delightful consequence of a part-time job for a teen. Chances are that the only other teens that your child hangs out with are from their school. Part-time weekend jobs expand your teen’s network by enabling them to meet new people outside of their comfort zone.

They are most likely to meet other teens with different interests, allowing them to explore other interests and learn from their new coworkers. They also build great social skills to adapt to other situations.

Although there are several reasons that a part-time job could benefit your teen, a job during the school year isn’t the right move for every teenager. Let’s dive deeper into circumstances where your teen shouldn’t get a part-time weekend job.

When Your Teen Shouldn’t Have a Part-Time Weekend Job

Although it seems like part-time weekend jobs have historically been a rite of passage for teenagers, the truth is that fewer and fewer teens are opting for after-school work than in previous generations. There are several reasons why this could be the case, but it shows that not every teen may be cut out for part-time work.

Too busy

Even though a part-time job can introduce more balance into a teen’s life, they can’t always handle the additional responsibility while in school. You should never encourage your teen to pursue a part-time job if it means that they can’t focus as much on school.

Chances are that if your teen is involved with other extracurricular activities, such as sports or other clubs, they’re already experiencing a level of balance in their lives. You don’t want a part-time weekend job to interfere with the other activities that they enjoy doing.


Some teens may be able to handle both school and work, but that doesn’t mean that they should.

Inevitably, the more responsibilities individuals have, the more stress they may feel. Even if their grades are not slipping and they’re still captain of their sports team, they may still feel a level of stress trying to balance a job on top of all their other activities. This is especially true if they don’t enjoy the job.

It’s a good idea to check in on your teen’s mental health from time to time to ensure that their part-time weekend job isn’t causing them too much stress and that they still have the time to do the activities that they enjoy. If they express that they feel like they’re doing too much, suggest that they ask their boss to cut down their hours at work or that they take a couple of weeks off to reset.

Job shortage

Several external factors can discourage your teen from pursuing a part-time weekend job. For example, an economy that produces a high unemployment rate and a shortage of jobs may not have room for teens looking for their first part-time gig. In terms of the current economic climate, it is more difficult for teens to pursue roles typically dominated by this demographic.

Now that you know the pros and cons of part-time weekend jobs for teens, you’re ready to help your teen find the right first job.

Is Your Teen Ready for a Part-time Weekend Job?

It’s always great when your teen takes charge of their life and proves that they are responsible. However, even though your teen comes to you saying they want to get a part-time job, it doesn’t mean that they’re ready for that responsibility.

No one knows your teen as well as you do, but to help you out, here are some general signs that your teen is ready for a part-time weekend job.


One of the most obvious signs that your teen is ready for a part-time job is when they show a mature level of responsibility in other aspects of their lives.

Here are signs that your teen is responsible enough to handle a part-time job:

  • They always complete their chores on time.
  • They come home by curfew every day.
  • They babysit their other siblings or help them with their homework.

A+ Student

If your teen excels at their studies, they may be ready for an additional challenge in their lives. Good grades are a great sign that your teen is ready for a part-time job.

However, be sure to continue to monitor your teen’s grades throughout their employment. If you notice that they start to fall behind in their studies, they might not be ready for a part-time job after all.

Great Team Player

For your teen to enter the workforce, they must understand that others will be depending on them on the job. That means they can’t say no to work because they don’t feel like it, and they can’t slack on the job at the expense of others.

If your teen is already really good at following through with their commitments, then they’ll do great with a part-time job. However, if they struggle to participate as part of a team, then it might be better for them to hold off and gain that experience somewhere else.

The Best Part Time Weekend Jobs for Teens

It’s never a good idea to take charge and find your teen a part-time job without involving them in the process. After all, part of the lesson should be learning how to job hunt as well.

Several jobs have historically been considered the perfect first jobs for teens. Whether it be because of the flexible schedule or the simple work involved, these jobs are a great way for your teen to enter the workforce and start making their own money.

Fast Food

The restaurant business is one of the most common first industries for teens. Whether they work as a barista or as a delivery person at your local pizzeria, getting a job in food service provides your teen with great experience, and it is a good way to refine their communication and teamwork skills.


Babysitting is another common first part-time weekend job for teens. Nothing teaches responsibility better than to have your child responsible for another person.

It’s great to start them off babysitting their little siblings if they have any, and with your supervision. If they’ve garnered enough trust, help them gain more experience by babysitting other relatives’ kids or kids around the neighborhood.


Becoming a lifeguard requires more training than other teen jobs, but it’s one of the most fulfilling jobs that your teen can have.

Your teen will learn a lot through the certification process alone, which is typically rigorous and extensive. From there, they’re responsible for ensuring the safety of swimmers, whether it be at the local indoor pool or if you’re lucky enough to live by the beach.


Retail has an abundance of great jobs for teens that can pique interest in future careers. Whether it be at a clothing store in the mall or a local specialty shop, a job in retail has a lot to offer your curious teen. In retail, your teen may gain an interest in business, sales, and marketing.

Home Jobs

There is also a lot of remote work available for teens. If your teen is interested in an online job for extra income, try freelance writing, graphic design, or being a virtual assistant. While they may want to be something more glamourous, like a brand ambassador or influencer on social media, these online jobs are not guaranteed.

Conclusion – Is Your Teen Ready for a Part-Time Job?

Many teens start their entry into the workforce with part-time weekend jobs where they learn skills they’ll carry with them for the rest of their lives. They may actually earn good money depending on the field they get into, and the extra cash helps them learn how to be responsible with money.

If a part-time job during the school year seems like too much for your teen, suggest that they wait and get a job in the summer instead. This still allows them to gain financial responsibility and save up for the things they want!

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